January 12, 2018

Born to Fly

Born to Fly

Written by By April Twenhafel, MS, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

On a recent trip to Illinois, I pulled up to my uncle’s home and six ducks and one goose greeted me. It struck me as very odd. I watched this goose follow the other ducks around like he was one of them. My uncle preceded to tell me there were about five geese eggs that were laid by his pond and this guy was the only one that hatched. He told me he has seen countless times this goose fly about 15 feet off the ground and then land. He said,“That stupid bird doesn’t know he’s a goose!” It really made me wonder, “How many of us are geese surround by ducks, unaware that we are meant to fly?”


Each week I sit with client after client, exploring roadblocks, recognizing strengths, and identifying one’s true self. I know a lot of geese. Incredible people with endless possibilities within themselves. What I have found is we are often what we know. This goose in Illinois has no idea that there is a world much bigger than my uncle’s farm that he is meant to see. No one ever modeled to him that he can fly higher than 15 feet. No one ever pointed out to him that there is greatness within him and he is meant for so much more. Sure, these ducks have accepted him, but they haven’t cultivated his gifts, encouraged him to explore, or acknowledged his capabilities. Years ago a mentor told me, “You need a team. A group of people who know who you are, see the greatness in you, and encourage you to achieve your dreams.” I have this team of people. They are the people that pick me up when I’m discouraged. They remind me of my beliefs, my values, and what I believe God has called me to achieve.


It is a new year and people are creating new goals and resolutions. Perhaps this is a time for you to identify who your team is. This can be family members, friends, pastors, therapists, or mentors. It’s important to be surrounded by people who are pointing you in the right direction. I truly believe there is greatness in all of us. Ephesians 3:20 (AMP) says, “Now to Him who is able to do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think (infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes or dreams), according to His power that is at work within us.” I am not sure about you, but I can dream big. It is pretty amazing to think about what God has for us beyond our own imaginations. I declare that 2018 is the year geese come out of hiding and fly.


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