Do you have a Highly Sensitive Child?

Do you have a Highly Sensitive Child?

Written by Jennifer Thompson, M.A

Being sensitive is an inborn temperament style that is found in about 15-20 percent of children. My oldest child has always been a sensitive child. In recognizing this, my biggest clue is her big reactions to everything, including small- almost unimportant- events. I began researching how best to parent my sensitive child and found a great book: The Highly Sensitive Child by Elaine N. Aron, Ph. D. This book gives a lot of good information, as well as tips and advice in raising a highly sensitive child.


We live in a society that does not value sensitivity. Highly sensitive children are prone to depression, anxiety and often struggle with low self-esteem. Parenting a highly sensitive child does take extra effort, patience and understanding. When disciplining they can feel anxious or ashamed. Being a mom of a highly sensitive child, I am constantly aware of my reactions as my child is constantly “reading” me. It’s not always easy but now that I am learning how to be the best mom for her, I can truly appreciate her uniqueness and her creativity, passion and empathy.